IEEE INFOCOM Achievement Award, the highest honour that can be bestowed on a researcher in the IEEE INFOCOM community, May 2024

for contributions to the fundamental theory and practical systems of network coding, cloud security, and resource scheduling in distributed systems.

The IEEE INFOCOM Achievement Award is the highest honour that can be bestowed on a researcher in the INFOCOM community. The recipient should have a body of work that has had significant impacts on the networking community in general, and INFOCOM in particular.

Fellow, Engineering Institute of Canada, December 2023

Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering, June 2023

Best Paper Award, IEEE INFOCOM 2023, IEEE Communications Society

for the paper co-authored with Fei Wang and Ethan Hugh, titled “More than Enough is Too Much: Adaptive Defenses against Gradient Leakage in Production Federated Learning,” May 2023.

Best Paper Award, IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (IEEE MetaCom 2023)

for the paper co-authored with Ningxin Su and Bo Li, titled “Multi-Server Stable Rendezvous for the Metaverse,” June 2023.

Best Paper Finalist, 2022 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2022)

For the paper co-authored with Wanyu Lin, Hao Lan, and Hao Wang, titled “OrphicX: A Causality-Inspired Latent Variable Model for Interpreting Graph Neural Networks,” June 2022.

Best Paper Candidate, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2016)

For the paper co-authored with Li Chen and Bo Li, titled “Barrier-Aware Max-Min Fair Bandwidth Sharing and Path Selection in Datacenter Networks,” April 2016.

IEEE Fellow, class of 2015

Finalist for Best Paper Award, 10th USENIX International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2013)

For the paper co-authored with Wei Wang and Ben Liang, titled “To Reserve or Not to Reserve: Optimal Online Multi-Instance Acquisition in IaaS Clouds,” June 2013.

Best Paper Award, IEEE Globecom 2011, Wireless Networking Symposium, IEEE Communications Society

for the paper co-authored with Jie Dai, Bo Li, Fangming Liu, and Jiangchuan Liu, titled “Collaborative Caching for Video Streaming among Selfish Wireless Service Providers,” December 2011.

Inaugural recipient, Distinguished Educator Award (in the “under 40” category), Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, November 4, 2011.

NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplements Award, NSERC, 2011.

Departmental Teaching Award, for excellence in undergraduate teaching in Fall 2010, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto. The award was determined with the student vote conducted by the ECE Student Clubs at the end of the term.

University of Toronto McLean Award, 2009

2009 Multimedia Communications Best Paper Award, Multimedia Communications Technical Committee, IEEE Communications Society, 2009

for the paper co-authored with Mea Wang, titled “R2: Random Push with Random Network Coding in Live Peer-to-Peer Streaming,” published in the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Advances in Peer-to-Peer Streaming Systems, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 1655-1666, December 2007.

Best Student Paper Award, the Thirteenth International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2005)

for the paper co-authored with Ying Zhu, titled “Overlay Networks with Linear Capacity Constraints,” published in the Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2005), also Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 3552, pp. 21-36, H. de Meer, N. Bhatti (Eds.), Passau, Germany, June 21-23, 2005.

IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize Paper Award in the Field of Communications Systems

for the paper co-authored with Klara Nahrstedt, titled “A Control-Based Middleware Framework for Quality-of-Service Adaptations,” published in the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 17, no. 9, September 1999, pp. 1632-1650.